Thursday 21 April 2011

Colourful Pics :)

Blue is my favourite colours because I think it stands out
a lot from all the other colours that I have picked (except
the rainbow one) 

Green isn't one of my favourite colours but I love how it
stands out sometimes.  

Orange I think stands out especially when it is a neon orange. 

Purple is a very dark colour but I do like it because most of the
colours I like are very bright so I do like dark like colours
as well. 

Red is probably my second or third favourite colour
because I think it stands out a lot like Blue. 

Yellow also isn't one of my favourite colours
but it still stands out alot.

Rainbow stands out the most because there are all
neon colours mixed together.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Random animal pics :)

I love dogs as much as I love cats because dogs
can sometimes understand you and they are great
to cuddle up to.

I love Giraffes because I love how they can reach
really high objects with their massive long necks.

I love cats because they are the most furry animals I have ever had as a pet
and also I love the purring they make when they are happy. 
I love leopards because I love the way they can sniff out there
prey really easily.
Horses aren't one of my favorite animals but I do love they way
they can jump over really big heights.

I love lions because they can see very well in the dark to hunt
down their pray and also they have a rapid speedy run. 

I like hamsters because they are very furry and very rapid
at running. 

I like Monkeys because they can swing from tree to tree and I
also love the sound they make when they are being cheeky.

A Tiger is one of my favorite animals because I think they
are very good at hunting down their prey and have very good

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Hello again, I am back with a brand new video that I made myself " I hope you enjoy watching it and also making some videos aswell. I really love cats and I hope after you have finished watching this video you will go and buy or adopt a cat of your own. Please do and go and adopt one when you see some of the pictures that are in there try and compare some to the really sad ones and see if that is what you could make their life like that... Thank you  xxx

Megzz xxxx

Cats on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Future technology!!

I know this is a really weird post but I have just been watching some videos about future technology and it seems really robotic and futuristic but also very clever and interesting. Here are some pictures of some of the ideas that I have seen: 
This is a house in South korea where you can go to visit it and it is supposed to
be the house of the future...

I saw the video for it and it really good if you would like to visit this website to see the video go to: 

It is really facinating and is supposed to come out in 10 years I can't wait

Megzzz xxx

Saturday 26 March 2011

Has anybody heard of  the blog: because if you haven't you need to visit it. It is about the supermoon that has happened and how the supermoon made the tsunami happen. Also there is alot of stuff about how the moon was born and haversting food and also lots of other interesting facts.

Once you have seen this blog please may you comment below and tell me what you thought about it

Megzz xx

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Japans Tsunami!

Has everybody heard abou the Tsunami in Japan well if you haven't go to Goolgle and type into the search engine Japan Tsunami 2011  and watch the videos that they have suggested for you and watch the videos and read the news reports, they are so sad and horrible for what the people who have died Families have had to go through.

 The picture above shows some of the house and cars that
had got swept away in the Tsunami and aftershocks.

Also you might have heard of the radiation from the Japanese Nuclear Plant. The warning came after a third blast which appeared to have damaged one of the reactors' contaiment systems for the first time.
Last Friday 9.0 magnitide Quake and tsunami in north-eastern Japan.
On Tuesday morning, reactor 2 became the third to explode in four days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
On Tuesday morning, reactor 2 became the third to explode in four days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
A fire also briefly broke out at reactor 4, and is believed to have caused radioactive leaks.
Reactor 4 had been shut down before the quake for maintenance, but its spent nuclear fuel rods are still stored on the site.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said they were closely watching the remaining two reactors at the plant, 5 and 6, as they had begun overheating slightly.
He said cooling seawater was being pumped into reactors 1 and 3 - which were returning to normal - and into reactor 2, which remained unstable.


Wednesday 9 March 2011

My Summer Holiday's

My Summer this holiday is going to be exciting, 1 because I am going on an amazing holiday to cornwall and  I get to visit their local Beach, 2 because I get to see some of my friends from my old school who I haven't seen for ages and 3 because I get to spend lot's of time with my  Family.

If you would like to tell me, Megzz, what you are doing this summer please comment below.
