Tuesday 15 March 2011

Japans Tsunami!

Has everybody heard abou the Tsunami in Japan well if you haven't go to Goolgle and type into the search engine Japan Tsunami 2011  and watch the videos that they have suggested for you and watch the videos and read the news reports, they are so sad and horrible for what the people who have died Families have had to go through.

 The picture above shows some of the house and cars that
had got swept away in the Tsunami and aftershocks.

Also you might have heard of the radiation from the Japanese Nuclear Plant. The warning came after a third blast which appeared to have damaged one of the reactors' contaiment systems for the first time.
Last Friday 9.0 magnitide Quake and tsunami in north-eastern Japan.
On Tuesday morning, reactor 2 became the third to explode in four days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
On Tuesday morning, reactor 2 became the third to explode in four days at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
A fire also briefly broke out at reactor 4, and is believed to have caused radioactive leaks.
Reactor 4 had been shut down before the quake for maintenance, but its spent nuclear fuel rods are still stored on the site.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said they were closely watching the remaining two reactors at the plant, 5 and 6, as they had begun overheating slightly.
He said cooling seawater was being pumped into reactors 1 and 3 - which were returning to normal - and into reactor 2, which remained unstable.


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